Friday, May 16, 2014

ABS-CBN's 'Millennium Overture' Station ID - The TV Launch

During the ABS-CBN Countdown to 2000 special entitled "ABS-CBN Worldwide Celebration Of The New Millennium", a plug called the "Millennium Overture" was seen on-air. The first scene featured all the past logos and station ID's (along with the Sarimanok) of ABS-CBN on flying television screens landing on a dark space. Later, a portal screen with the 1986 symbol lands on the center and transports the viewers to the same space, and displays the 1986 ABS-CBN logo for one last time. Then, a flying light floats across the 1986 symbol, signifying the beginning of the construction a new logo. In the reconstruction, the ABS and CBN names start to morph into a newer ABS-CBN text with a more modern typography in front of a revolving translucent cube. Then, the translucent cube stops revolving, and the rings land on the translucent cube (which is actually a crystal plane), and is then joined by the text and line in creating the new logo, and the slogan "In The Service Of The Filipino", now in Rotis Semi Serif font, and a white line between the logo and slogan, soon appears afterwards.
[Video Source:]

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